Special grades

Application: Retractable blade utility knive Application: Retractable blade utility knive Application: Shock absorber disc Application: Shock absorber disc Application: Saw stiehl Application: Saw stiehl

Whether in the form of scalpels, band saws, doctor blades or seat-belt springs, special steels are employed in fields as diverse as the medical, food, paper and automotive industries. With such a wide range of products, it is obvious the material is tailored to the application at hand.

The BILSTEIN GROUP delivers special steels with bespoke mechanical properties and microstructures, from soft, 100% sphereodized fine blanking grades, to ultra-strong, martensitic structures for tempering.

A range of further options are also available for these products, including color, brushed and polished finishes, and application-specific prepared edges.

Application area

  • Chain saw
  • chains Band
  • saws Keys
Thickness* 0.5 mm (0.0197 inch) – 5.0 mm (0.197 inch)
Width* Mill edge: up to 1.350 mm (53.15 inch)

Cut edge: 15 mm (0.59 inch) up to 1.320 mm (51.97 inch)

Delivery format coil
Coil weight max. 23 kg/mm of width → max. 2 lbs/inch of width

*Grade and cross section depending